Understand acknowledgement records

Everything you need to know about acknowledgement records.

Acknowledgement records represent requests to users to acknowledge policies. They are created when users are assigned policies for acknowledgement, and contain data on who is required to acknowledge a policy, what they need to acknowledge, the acknowledgement status, and key dates. 

When are acknowledgement records created? 

Acknowledgement records are created for all active and invited users whose job roles match the job roles in a policy's acknowledgement settings. They're assigned to users as soon as one of the following situations arises: 

  1. A new policy requiring acknowledgement is published
  2. An existing policy is updated to require acknowledgement
  3. An existing policy is updated and re-acknowledgement is required, meaning if a user has acknowledged the policy before, they're now required to acknowledge it again
  4. A user's job role changes, and their new job role matches the job roles in a policy's acknowledgement settings.

    Note: Users will only be assigned new acknowledgement records for policies they have not already acknowledged for their previous job roles.

What information is contained within an acknowledgement record? 

An acknowledgement record contains a lot of information! This information is displayed in a table, with the following columns:

  • Item Title - the name of the policy requiring acknowledgement
  • Acknowledgement Status - the current status of the acknowledgement record
  • Item ID - a set of letters and/or numbers to uniquely identify the policy
  • Version No. - the policy version the acknowledgement record relates to
  • User - the person required to acknowledge the policy
  • User ID - a set of letters and/or numbers to uniquely identify a user, such as an employee number or membership number
  • Date Assigned - the date the user was first assigned the policy version for acknowledgement
  • Days Assigned - the total number of days between when the policy was first assigned to the user and when it's either acknowledged or discarded
  • Date Acknowledged - the date the user acknowledged the policy
  • Last Reminded - the date the user was last sent a reminder to acknowledge the policy
  • Account Status - the current status of the user's Ausmed account, which may be one of pending, invited, active, rejected or inactive
  • Email - the user's email address
  • Teams - the teams the user currently belongs to
  • Job Roles - the job roles the user currently belongs to. 

What is acknowledgement status? 

Acknowledgement status refers to the current status of an acknowledgement record, which is always unacknowledged until it's either acknowledged or discarded. Use the below table to explore what each of these statuses means.  

Status Definition


The user hasn't acknowledged the policy version yet.


The user has confirmed they've read, understood and agree to abide by the terms set out in the policy version


The user didn't acknowledge the policy version before their account was deactivated, the policy was updated, and their job role was no longer required to acknowledge it, or the policy was archived.

Where to find acknowledgement records

You can view acknowledgement records in several places in the Policy Management System, including: 

  • All Acknowledgement Records report - here you can view acknowledgement records for one or more users, teams and job roles, and one or more policies.
  • User transcript page - here you can view acknowledgement records for a particular user. 
  • Policy item details page - here you can view acknowledgement records for the latest version of a policy. 


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