User Transcript Page | 12 October 2021

Downloadable PDF Transcript is back, along with a refreshed user transcript experience.

We have now reinstated the ‘Download Transcript’ button from within the user transcript page. Allowing you to quickly and easily download a PDF summary of a user's learning and compliance records within the date range of your choice.

In addition to this, we have revitalised the user interface to better surface the metrics that matter most to you. Storing this information across four key tabs:

  1. Profile - where all the user’s details are stored, eg. Username, Email, Mobile Number, etc.
  2. Compliance - find out exactly what it will take to get a specific user’s compliance status from Non-Compliant to Compliant.
  3. Learning - see just how much the user is engaging in learning with instant stats.
  4. Planning - all the users learning goals, past and present.

Transcripts are now available for all account statuses (active, pending, invited or inactive) allowing you to report on users whether or not they are currently based at your organisation.