Understanding Policy Report by Users

This report will show you acknowledgement progress and records for each user in your organisation. You will be able to see total records, no. of acknowledged and no. of unacknowledged records.

Who does this article apply to? 

In order to access the Policy Report by Users

  1. Login to the Ausmed LMS
  2. Click on 'Policies' in the top menu
  3. On the left hand side menu click 'Reporting' and then 'Reports'
  4. Click on the Report by Users button
  5. You will be then taken to the report page, where you'll be able to set parameters as you see fit.
    Once you've set your parameters (or left it as the default settings) click Run Report

  6. A report will be generated showing you acknowledgement progress and records for each user in your organisation. You will be able to see total records, no. of acknowledged and no. of unacknowledged records.

  7. Click on the bolded numbers under each column to see which particular policies are acknowledged, unacknowledged or discarded by user.