Understand optional requirements

Everything you need to know about optional requirements.

Optional requirements are requests for users to complete "recommended" or "suggested" training. Optional means users can choose whether to complete the training, and unlike mandatory compliance requirements, optional requirements do not count towards your organisation's compliance. 

Optional requirements are created when optional training is manually assigned or if they belong to an Optional Training Plan. They contain information on who recommended the training, what training was recommended, and when it was recommended. 

What information is contained within optional requirements? 

Optional requirement records contain the following information: 

  • Item Title - the training the requirement relates to. 
  • Item Type - the type of training the requirement relates to, such as a course, article, lecture etc. 
  • Item ID - a set of letters and/or numbers to uniquely identify the training.
  • Status - the current status of the requirement.
  • User - the person the requirement was assigned to. 
  • User ID - a set of letters and/or numbers to uniquely identify the user, such as an employee number or membership number.
  • Email - the user's email address. 
  • Account Status - the current status of the user's Ausmed account. 
  • Teams - the teams the user currently belongs to
  • Job Roles - the job roles the user currently belongs to.
  • Early Recognition Date - the start date for early recognition, which means if the user completes the training between this date and the open date, the requirement is automatically marked as completed, and the user does not need to complete the training again. 
  • Open Date - the date the requirement was assigned to the user and opened for completion. 
    • When a requirement opens for completion, this means the user can view and complete the training via My Organisation
  • Date Completed - the date the requirement status is updated to completed, signalling the training has been completed. 
  • Source - the name of the person who assigned the requirement to the user. 
  • Learning Record- the learning record attached to the requirement evidencing the training has been completed.
  • Record ID - a set of system-generated numbers to uniquely identify the requirement record. 

What does the status of an optional requirement mean? 

The status of an optional requirement is a way to track whether the requirement has been met. There are four possible statuses:


  • Open means the requirement is currently assigned to the user. 
    • When a requirement opens for completion, this means the user can view and complete the training via My Organisation




    Where to find optional requirements

    There are two places where you will find optional requirement records in the LMS: 

    • All Optional Requirements report - here you can run a report to view all optional requirements.
    • Learning records - optional requirement records are attached to learning records when the requirement is completed, meaning the requirement has been met because the training is complete. 


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