Understand learning records

Everything you need to know about learning records.

A learning record is a record of when learning is completed, and contains information on who completed the learning, what they completed, and key dates.

Use this article to understand the different types of learning records, when they are created, and what information they contain.

What are the different types of learning records? How are they created? 

    Three types of learning records exist in Ausmed's LMS, indicating how they were created:

    1. Internal Record - this type of record is created when:
      1. An organisation or team manager manually adds a record to the LMS, or
      2. An organisation or team manager marks an optional or mandatory compliance requirement as completed, or
      3. Learning records are imported from another system.
    1. User Documented - this type of record is created when:
      1. A user documents learning in their portfolio
    2. User Completed - this type of record is created when:
      1. A user marks assigned training as complete via My Organisation

    What information is contained within learning records? 

    Learning records may contain the following information:

    • Learning Record Title - the name of the learning item the record relates to, as documented by the user in their portfolio.
    • Item Title - the name of the learning item the record relates to, as already recorded in Ausmed's system or when recorded at the time an internal record is added. 
    • Item Type - the type of learning item completed, which may be one of: course, article, lecture, reading etc. 
    • Duration - the expected time it takes to complete the learning item.
    • User - the person who completed the learning item. 
    • User ID - a set of letters and/or numbers to uniquely identify a user, such as an employee number or membership number.
    • Email - the user's email address.
    • Account Status - the current status of the user's Ausmed account. 
    • Work Start Date - the date the user most recently commenced employment at your organisation.   
      • Activated On - the date the user accepted an invitation to join your organisation on Ausmed, and their account status became active. 
      • Teams - the teams the user currently belongs to
      • Job Roles - the job roles the user currently belongs to.
      • Completion Date - the date the learning item was completed. 
      • Record Create Date - the date the record was added to the system. 
      • Requirements - the requirements related to the learning record. Learn more about the relationship between requirements and learning records. 
      • Reported Time Spent Learning - how long it took to complete the learning item, as reported by whoever created the learning record. 

        Note: Reported time spent learning defaults to the expected time it takes to complete the learning item, known as the item duration. It can be adjusted if the learning took more or less time to complete. 

      • Record Created By - the user that caused the record to be created, which may be a manager or user. 
      • Record Type - what caused the learning record to be created. Record types include:
        • User Completed - meaning the record was created when a user marked a requirement as completed
        • User Documented - meaning the record was created when a user documented learning in their portfolio

          Note: record type will update from User Completed to User Documented when a user subsequently documents a compliance requirement or manually assigned learning item they previously marked as completed. 

        • Internal Record - meaning the record was created when a manager added an internal record to the system, or when records were imported from another system. 
      • Learning Record ID - a set of system-generated numbers to uniquely identify the learning record.

      Where to find learning records

      You can view learning records in several locations: 

      • All Learning Records report - here you can view learning records for one or more users, teams and job roles, and one or more learning items.
      • User transcript page - here you can view learning records for a particular user. 
      • Item details page - here you can view learning records for a particular learning item. 
      • Attached to requirements - learning records are attached to compliance requirements or optional requirements where a relationship exists between the two. 


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