Understand learning notifications

Everything you need to know about notifications in Ausmed's Learning Management System.

Overview of notification types

The following types of notifications are sent to your staff through Ausmed's Learning Management System: 

1. Account-based notifications - these keep staff informed about key actions related to their Ausmed account: 
  1. Invitation to join your organisation on Ausmed
  2. Reminder to join your organisation on Ausmed
  3. Getting started on Ausmed
  4. Reset Ausmed Password.
2. Mandatory training notifications - these keep staff updated about mandatory training requirements assigned to them:
  1. Manual mandatory training reminders
  2. Automatic mandatory training reminders
  3. Mandatory training extension
  4. Mandatory training marked as complete.
3. Optional training notifications - these keep staff updated about optional training requirements assigned to them: 
  1. New optional training

  2. Optional training reminder.

1. Account-based notifications

Account-based notifications keep staff informed about key actions related to their Ausmed account.

1. Invitation to join your organisation on Ausmed

  • Purpose: Invite a user to join your organisation on Ausmed. 
  • Trigger: Sent immediately after inviting and reminding a user to join your organisation on Ausmed. Click here for instructions on how to invite users. 
  • Note: Invitation emails are not sent if integrations are in place with Single Sign On (SSO) services like Microsoft Azure or Okta.
  • Subject: You've been invited to join [Organisation Name] on Ausmed

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Note: The wording of this email varies when the recipient has an existing Ausmed account, as they are prompted to log in and connect their existing account to your organisation instead of creating a new one.


2. Reminder to join your organisation on Ausmed

  • Purpose: Remind users to accept their invitation to join your organisation on Ausmed. 
  • Trigger: Sent automatically every 3 days until the user accepts their invitation by linking a new or existing Ausmed account to your organisation. 
  • Subject: Reminder to accept your invitation from [Organisation Name]
    Email FRAME


3. Getting started on Ausmed

    • Purpose: Orientate users on how to use 'My Organisation', which is your organisation's online learning portal on Ausmed. 
    • Trigger: Sent immediately after a user accepts their invitation to join your organisation on Ausmed by linking a new or existing Ausmed account to your organisation. 
    • Subject: Getting started with [Organisation Name] on Ausmed


    4. Reset Ausmed Password

      • Purpose: Enable users to reset their password in order to log into Ausmed.  
      • Trigger: Sent immediately after a user requests to reset their password.  
      • Notes: Password reset emails are not sent if integrations are in place with Single Sign On (SSO) services like Microsoft Azure or Okta.
      • Subject: Reset Ausmed password

    2. Mandatory training notifications

    Mandatory training notifications keep staff updated about mandatory training requirements assigned to them. There are four types of mandatory training notifications:

    1. Manual mandatory training reminders
    2. Automatic mandatory training reminders
    3. Mandatory training extension
    4. Mandatory training marked as complete

    1. Manual mandatory training reminders 

    • Purpose: Remind users about a due date for a particular training requirement outside the automatic mandatory training reminder schedule.  
    • Trigger: Sent immediately after a reminder is triggered via the manager portal. Click here for instructions on how to manually send reminders.
    • Notes: The name of the person who sent the reminder is included in the email signature, to personalise and differentiate it from an automatic reminder. 
    • Subject: Reminder to complete your mandatory training

    2. Automatic mandatory training reminders

    • Purpose: Remind users about one or more mandatory training requirements automatically assigned to them via a training plan.
    • Trigger: Sent automatically at four different intervals based on the open date or due date of training requirements. See below examples for more information. 
    • Examples:
      • Newly Open: Sent the day after a requirement opens for completion.
      • Subject: You have been assigned new mandatory training
      • Due in 7 Days: Sent 7 days before an incomplete requirement is due
      • Subject: 7 days left to complete your mandatory training
      • Due Tomorrow: Sent the day before an incomplete requirement is due. 
      • Subject: 1 day left to complete your mandatory training
      • Overdue: Sent the day after an incomplete requirement was due
      • Subject: You have OVERDUE mandatory training
    • Automated mandatory training reminders are sent at approximately 07:00 AM AEST each day. 
    • Requirements with the same date are combined into a single email to avoid overwhelming users with multiple reminders on the same day. See the overdue example above, where three mandatory training items with the same due date are combined into one email.
    • If you have Organisation Manager permissions, you can manage your organisation's preferences for automated reminders by navigating to the top menu in the manager portal and selecting Settings > Email Notifications

    3. Mandatory training extension

    • Purpose: Informs users that the due date for a mandatory training requirement has been extended, ensuring they are aware of the new deadline. 
    • Trigger: Sent immediately after an extension is granted in the manager portal if the person actioning this chooses to notify the user. Click here for instructions on how to grant extensions. 
    • Notes: The name of the person who granted the extension is included in this notification, so that the user knows who extended the due date.
    • Subject: Your mandatory training has been extended


    4. Mandatory training marked as complete

    • Purpose: Informs a user that a mandatory training requirement has been marked as complete on their behalf, ensuring they are aware that this action has been taken.
    • Trigger: Sent immediately after the requirement is marked as complete via the manager portal. Click here for instructions on how to mark requirements as complete. 
    • Notes: The name of the person who marked the requirement as complete is included in this notification, so that the user knows who took this action. 
    • Subject: Your mandatory training has been marked as complete

    1. Optional training notifications

    Optional training notifications keep staff updated about optional training requirements assigned to them. 

    1. New optional training

    • Purpose: Informs users of new optional training suggested for them.
    • Trigger: Sent within 24 hours from when the training is manually assigned via the manager portal. Click here for instructions on how to manually assign optional training. 
    • Notes:
      • This notification only applies to optional training that is manually assigned. There are no notifications for optional training assigned automatically via a training plan.
      • If you set a requirement to be due in the past, the notification won't be sent because the date when it should have been sent has already passed. 
    • Subject: You have been assigned new learning


    2. Optional training reminder

    • Purpose: Reminds users about particular optional training requirements. 
    • Trigger: Sent immediately after a reminder is manually sent via the manager portal. Click here for instructions on how to manually send reminders. 
    • Notes: The name of the person who manually sent a reminder is included in this notification, to personalise it. 
    • Subject: Reminder to complete your assigned learning

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