Share Invitation Link | 21 February 2022

Shareable link making it easier for any invited users to activate their Ausmed account.


To this point, inviting multiple users to your organisation's learning portal has been primarily through email. But in 2022, there are more options than ever to house workplace communications. And what suits one person may not be best suited for another. So when email fails, you’re left with the fallback of sharing specific invite links one user at a time.

With the new Share Invitation Link function, you can provide all invited users with a single link they can use to activate onto your learning portal. This equips you with a number of options when it comes to activating users in bulk.

Copy the link directly, or download a QR code to make activation quick and simple regardless of whether the code is shared in an online environment or pinned to the lunchroom noticeboard.

Please note, this shareable link will only work if the user has been invited at the time this link is being redeemed.

Navigate to the Manage Users section of your manager portal to access the Share Invitation Link button. 

Want to set up SMS invitations? Learn more here.