Learn how to remind users to acknowledge their policies.
You can manually send reminder notifications to users to acknowledge their policies whenever you need to. There are 4 ways to approach this:
- Send reminders to all non-compliant users - choose this option to remind all non-compliant users to acknowledge their policies.
- Send reminders to some non-compliant users - choose this option to remind some but not all non-compliant users to acknowledge their policies.
Send reminders for a particular policy - choose this option to remind one or more users to acknowledge a particular policy.
- Send reminders to a particular user - choose this option to remind a user to acknowledge one or more policies.
Who does this article apply to?
- Users with access to Ausmed's Policy Management System
- Users with organisation or team manager permissions.
In this article:
Send reminders to all non-compliant users
- From the top navigation bar in the manager portal, go to Policies.
- Choose one of the following options:
- Go to Total Non-Compliant Users, then click Send Bulk Reminder. Click Send Reminders to confirm.
- Go to Non-Compliant Users, check the box next to the User column, click Select all x users where x is the number of non-compliant users, then click Send Reminder. Click Send Reminders again to confirm.
- Go to Total Non-Compliant Users, then click Send Bulk Reminder. Click Send Reminders to confirm.
- Keep an eye out for a success message confirming reminders have been successfully sent.
Tip: Go to Non-Compliant Users, then to the Last Reminded column to see when users were last sent a reminder.
Send reminders to some non-compliant users
- From the top navigation bar in the manager portal, go to Policies.
- Go to Non-Compliant Users, and check the rows for users you would like to send reminders to, then click Send Reminder.
- Click Send Reminders to confirm.
- Keep an eye out for a success message confirming reminders have been successfully sent.
Tip: Go to Non-Compliant Users, then to the Last Reminded column to see when users were last sent a reminder.
Send reminders for a particular policy
- From the top navigation bar in the manager portal, go to Policies.
- From the left-hand-side menu bar, go to Your Policy Library.
- Choose one of the following options:
- Hover over the row of the policy you would like to send reminders for, then click View.
- Click on the title of the policy you would like to send reminders for.
- Click on the Acknowledgement Records tab of the policy item details page, then click on the Unacknowledged tab of the acknowledgement records.
- Check the rows for users you would like to send reminders to, then click Send Reminder.
Tip: If you would like to send a reminder to all users yet to acknowledge the policy, click Select all x users, where x is the number of users yet to acknowledge the policy.
- Click Send Reminders to confirm.
- Keep an eye out for a success message confirming reminders have been successfully sent.
Tip: Scroll across to the Last Reminded date in the acknowledgement records, which will be updated to reflect the date you sent the reminders.
Send reminders to a particular user
- Find the user you would like to send reminders to.
- Go to the Policies tab of their user transcript.
- Click on the Unacknowledged tab of their acknowledgement records.
- Check the rows for the policies you would like to remind the user about, then click Send Reminder.
- Click Send Reminder to confirm.
- Keep an eye out for a success message confirming the reminders have been successfully sent.
Tip: Scroll across to the Last Reminded date in the user's acknowledgement records, which will be updated to reflect the date you sent the reminders.
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