Keeping more accurate records with Notes and Files | 26 Jan 2023

Add evidence to your organisation's learning records explaining why the learning was completed, or demonstrating what learning took place and the outcomes | 26 Jan 2023

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Introducing Notes and Files

Evidence in the form of notes and links to files can now be added to your organisation's internal learning records for audits and record keeping. 

Consider adding notes explaining why the learning took place and the outcomes achieved, or include web links to documents such as course certificates and competency assessments. You can add whatever type of evidence you would like! 

All you have to do is include evidence at the time of adding internal records or marking requirements as completed. And if you need to include evidence retrospectively, you can add it to existing records. 

Ready to use Notes and Files? Click here to learn more. 
Note: This feature is currently available to all LMS customers in beta mode, meaning it is still being tested and refined. We welcome your feedback on how we can improve the experience further!