How to add a Capability Framework

How to add a Capability Framework to your Ausmed LMS

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How to add a Capability Framework


  1. Login to Ausmed for Organisations
  2. Go to Organisation Tab and click Frameworks > Capability Frameworks 
  3. Click the Add Capability Framework button
  4. A modal will appear where you can Title and Add a Description for your Framework
  5. Click Add to save add your Framework
  6. To add a Capability or Skill to your Framework - click the Open button
  7. To add a Capability, click the Add Capability button
  8. A modal will appear where you can add your Capability Title and Capability Description - click Add to save your changes
  9. To add an associated Skill to your Capability, click Add Skill
  10. A modal will appear where you can add your skill title and skill description - click Add to save your changes
  11. You've now created your first Capability Framework. Feel free to continue to add more Capabilities or Skills as you see fit
  12. Capability Frameworks can be reported on via the Capability Frameworks Report
  13. You can also tag learning to a framework when adding item to Your Library