Edit a user's profile details

How to edit a user's profile details.

Learn how to edit a user's profile details, including their full name, User ID, email address, mobile number and employment status.  

Edit a user's profile details via their user transcript


  1. Locate the search field in the top navigation bar of the manager portal:
  2. Enter either the user's User ID, or their First Name and/or Last Name in the search field.

    Tip: For better results, make sure you add a space between the user's first and last names. 

  3. Scroll through the results to locate the Users section:
  4. Scroll through the list of users in the results until you find the user you're looking for.

    Tip: If the user doesn't appear, they may not have been added to your organisation yet. Click here to learn how to add users. 

  5. Click on the user's name to open their user transcript page. 
  6. Choose one of the following options:
    1. From the Profile tab, click Edit next to Details.
    2. Click the drop-down menu item in the upper right of the user's transcript page, then click Edit.
  7. Edit the user's profile details, then click Update:
    • Full Name - the user's first and last name, separated by a comma.
    • User ID - a set of letters and/or numbers to uniquely identify the user, such as an employee number or membership number.
    • Email address - the user's email address. 

      Note: The user's email address can only be changed if their account status is currently invited or pending. Users will need to update their email address themselves in any other situation. Click here to learn how users can do this. 

    • (Optional) Mobile Number - the user's mobile number.
    • (Optional) Work Start Date - the date the user commenced employment at your organisation.
    • (Optional) Employment Status - the current state of the user's employment at your organisation, which may be full-time, part-time, casual or contractor. 

      Note: Username and Workplace can't be changed. 

Edit a user's profile details via Manage Users

  1. Go to Administration in the top navigation bar of the manager portal, then go to Manage Users in the left sidebar menu. 
  2. Enter the user's First Name and/or Last Name in the field below the User column in either ActiveInvitedPending, or Inactive tabs of the Manage Users table:


    • If you don't know the user's name, try searching their User ID or email address in the User ID or Email columns. 
    • If the user doesn't appear, they may not have been added to your organisation yet. Click here to learn how to add users. 
  3. Hover over the row for your chosen user, then click on the drop down in the far right and click Edit
  4. Edit the user's profile details, then click Update:
    1. Full Name - the user's first and last name, separated by a comma.
    2. User ID - a set of letters and/or numbers to uniquely identify the user, such as an employee number or membership number.
    3. Email address - the user's email address. 

      Note: The user's email address can only be changed if their account status is currently invited or pending. Users will need to update their email address themselves in any other situation. Click here to learn how users can do this. 

    4. (Optional) Mobile Number - the user's mobile number.
    5. (Optional) Work Start Date - the date the user commenced employment at your organisation.
    6. (Optional) Employment Status - the current state of the user's employment at your organisation, which may be full-time, part-time, casual or contractor. 

      Note: Username and Workplace can't be changed.