Add items to training plans

Learn how to add items to training plans.

Training plan items contain the rules for how the system should automatically assign compliance requirements to users.

Compliance requirements are requests to users to complete mandatory training by a due date. Mandatory means users are required to complete the training, which counts towards your organisation's learning compliance. Learn more about compliance requirements


Add once only item to a training plan

Choose this option if you want to add an item to your training plan that needs to be completed once only.


  1. Go to Learning in the top navigation bar of the manager portal.
  2. From the left sidebar menu, click Compliance, then click Training Plans.
  3. Click on the Draft or Active tab in the top left of the training plans page

Tip: Draft is where any plans you haven't made active will sit, once you activate a training plan it will sit in the Active tab

  1. Locate and click on the name of the training plan you would like to add an item to.
  2. Click the Add Item button in the top right of the Planner section of the training plan.
  3. Select the item you would like to assign, then click Next to continue.  
  4. Select the job roles you would like to assign the item to, then click Next to continue. 
  5. Select "I require users to complete this item once only".

    Note: The setting you select here is known as the "frequency of learning", which refers to how often the item needs to be completed; either once or on a recurring basis. 

  6. Choose how long you would like to give users to complete the item before it becomes due, and they are considered non-compliant. 


    • The timeframe you select here is known as the "assignment period", which is the time between when the requirement opens for completion on the open date, and when it becomes due on the due date.
    • Click here to learn more - see section titled "What is a compliance requirement's status and timeline?"
  7. Decide if you would like to give users an automatic extension if they miss the due date:
    1. Select "Yes, automatically give users an additional 7 Day(s)" and adjust the timeframe if you would like to give users an automatic extension, or


      • The timeframe you select here is known as the "overdue period", which is the time between when the requirement is due on the due date, and the final deadline, known as the "overdue end date." 
      • The status of a requirement during the overdue period is "overdue", and the user is considered non-compliant until the requirement is met. Click here to learn more - see section title "What is a compliance requirement's status and timeline?"
    2. Select "No, do not give users an automatic extension" if you do not wish to give users an automatic extension. 
  8. Decide if you would like to recognise prior learning, which means if the user completed the item recently before it was assigned, they won't need to complete the learning again.
    1. Select "Yes, they should complete it again" if you do not wish to recognise prior learning, or
    2. Select "No, users do not need to complete it again if they've completed it within the last 7 Day(s)" and adjust the timeframe if you would like to recognise prior learning


      • The timeframe you choose here is known as the "early recognition period", which starts on what's known as the "early recognition start date" and finishes on the open date, which is when the requirement opens to the user for completion. Click here to learn more - see section title "What is a compliance requirement's status and timeline?"
      • If the user completes the learning anytime during the early recognition period, they won't need to complete the learning again. 
  9. Click Add to finish. 

Add recurring items due on a specific date to a training plan

Choose this option if you would like to automatically assign recurring compliance requirements due on a specific date.


  1. Go to Learning in the top navigation bar of the manager portal.
  2. From the left sidebar menu, click Compliance, then click Training Plans.
  3. Click on the Draft or Active tab in the top left of the training plans page. 
  4. Locate and click on the name of the training plan you would like to add an item to.
  5. Click the Add Item button in the top right of the Planner section of the training plan.
  6. Select the item you would like to automatically assign, then click Next to continue.  
  7. Select the job roles you would like to assign the item to, then click Next to continue. 
  8. Select "I require users to complete this item every 1 Year(s)". The recommended frequency is yearly, but can be adjusted. 
  9. Next, select "I require users to complete this item by..." and select a due date.
  10. Decide how long you would like to give users to complete the item. The recommended timeframe is 30 days, but can be adjusted. 
  11. Decide if you would like to give users an automatic extension if they miss the due date.
    1. Keep "Yes, automatically give users an additional 7 Day(s)" selected if you would like to give users an automatic extension. The recommended timeframe is 7 days, but can be adjusted. 
    2. Select "No, do not give users an automatic extension" if you do not wish to give users an automatic extension. 
  12. Decide if you would like to recognise prior learning, which means if the user completed the item recently before it was assigned, they won't need to complete the learning again.
    1. Select "Yes, they should complete it again" if you do not wish to recognise prior learning, or
    2. Select "No, users do not need to complete it again if they've completed it within the last 7 Day(s)" and adjust the timeframe if you would like to recognise prior learning

  13. Click Add Item to finish. 

Add recurring items due on a regular interval to a training plan

Choose this option if you would like to automatically assign recurring compliance requirements due on regular intervals.


  1. Go to Learning in the top navigation bar of the manager portal.
  2. From the left sidebar menu, click Compliance, then click Training Plans.
  3. Click on the Draft or Active tab in the top left of the training plans page. 
  4. Locate and click on the name of the training plan you would like to add an item to.
  5. Click the Add Item button in the top right of the Planner section of the training plan.
  6. Select the item you would like to automatically assign, then click Next to continue.  
  7. Select the job roles you would like to assign the item to, then click Next to continue. 
  8. Select "I require users to complete this item every 1 Year(s)". The recommended frequency is yearly, but can be adjusted. 
    Screenshot 2023-01-31 at 10.31.11 am-1
  9. Next, select "I require users to complete this item immediately upon enrolment"
  10. Decide how long you would like to give users to complete the item. The recommended timeframe is 30 days, but can be adjusted. 
  11. Decide if you would like to give users an automatic extension if they miss the due date.
    1. Keep "Yes, automatically give users an additional 7 Day(s)" selected if you would like to give users an automatic extension. The recommended timeframe is 7 days, but can be adjusted. 
    2. Select "No, do not give users an automatic extension" if you do not wish to give users an automatic extension. 
  12. Decide if you would like to recognise prior learning, which means if the user completed the item recently before it was assigned, they won't need to complete the learning again.
    1. Select "Yes, they should complete it again" if you do not wish to recognise prior learning, or
    2. Select "No, users do not need to complete it again if they've completed it within the last 7 Day(s)" and adjust the timeframe if you would like to recognise prior learning

  13. Click Add Item to finish. 

Add an item from within a training plan 

Learn how to add an item to a training plan, within a training plan


  1. Go to Learning in the top navigation bar of the manager portal.
  2. From the left sidebar menu, click Compliance, then click Training Plans.
  3. Click the Active or Draft tabs of the training plan tab to locate the training plan you would like to add an item.
  4. Click on the training plan title, then click Add Item in the top right of the Planner.
  5. Enter the rules for what compliance requirements to assign to users: 
    1. Select an Item - search and select the learning item to assign. 
    2. Assign to Job Roles - search and select the job roles that need to complete the above item. 
    3. Set Frequency of Learning - choose if compliance requirements should be assigned once only, or on a recurring basis
    4. If you selected once only, proceed to step f. Otherwise, if you selected recurring, choose a regular interval after first assigned.
      After this choose when you require users to complete the item by.
    5. Review and adjust the assignment, overdue and early recognition periods: 
      1. Assignment period - how long users should be given to complete the requirement. 
      2. Overdue period - how long after the requirement is due, users still have to complete it. 
      3. Early recognition period - how long before the requirement is assigned early completion, should be recognised. 
    6. Click Add to finish. 

Add an item to multiple training plans via the library

Learn how to add items to multiple training plans

  1. Locate the learning item you would like to assign compliance requirements for using training plans. 
  2. Locate the Add to Plan button:
    1. On the item details page, this appears in the top right. 
      Screenshot 2023-01-31 at 2.35.42 pm
    2. If you're viewing a table
      Screenshot 2023-01-31 at 2.36.58 pm
  3. Select the training plans you would like to assign compliance requirements through. 

  1. Select, "Yes, I'll do that now" if you would like to establish the rules for how to assign the compliance requirements now, or "No, I'll do it later" if you will establish these rules later. 
  2. If you selected "Yes, I'll do that now" in the previous step, enter the rules for each training plan you selected in step 3 and click Continue until you've finished adding the rules for each training plan.
  3. Enter the rules for what compliance requirements to assign to users: 
    1. Select an Item - search and select the learning item to assign. 
    2. Assign to Job Roles - search and select the job roles that need to complete the above item. 
    3. Set Frequency of Learning - choose if compliance requirements should be assigned once only, or on a recurring basis
    4. If you selected once only, proceed to step f. Otherwise, if you selected recurring, choose a regular interval after first assigned.
      After this choose when you require users to complete the item by.
    5. Review and adjust the assignment, overdue and early recognition periods: 
      1. Assignment period - how long users should be given to complete the requirement. 
      2. Overdue period - how long after the requirement is due, users still have to complete it. 
      3. Early recognition period - how long before the requirement is assigned early completion, should be recognised. 
    6. Click Add to finish.